The Top Hair Care Habits of Celebrity Stylists

1. Don't wash your hair every day - over-washing can strip your hair of natural oils, leaving it dry and prone to breakage.
2. Use a wide-tooth comb - instead of a brush, a wide-tooth comb is gentle on wet hair and helps to avoid breakage.
3. Use a heat protectant - if you use heat styling tools regularly, it's important to use a heat protectant to prevent damage to your hair.
4. Avoid using hot water - hot water can strip your hair of natural oils and moisture, so try to use lukewarm or cool water when washing your hair.
5. Avoid tight hairstyles - ponytails and buns that are too tight can cause hair breakage, so opt for looser styles.
6. Use a deep conditioning treatment - a deep conditioning treatment can help to restore moisture and nourishment to your hair, leaving it looking healthy and shiny.
7. Avoid using harsh chemicals - chemicals such as bleach and hair dyes can be damaging to your hair, so opt for natural alternatives if possible.
8. Use a silk or satin pillowcase - these materials are less abrasive on your hair than cotton, which can cause breakage and tangles.
9. Trim your hair regularly - getting regular trims helps to get rid of split ends and keeps your hair looking healthy.
10. Avoid towel-drying your hair - instead, use a microfiber towel or an old t-shirt to gently blot your hair dry.
11. Use a leave-in conditioner - a leave-in conditioner can help to add moisture and protect your hair from heat damage.
12. Don't brush your hair when it's wet - wet hair is more prone to breakage, so wait until it's dry before brushing it.
13. Massage your scalp - massaging your scalp can help to stimulate blood flow and encourage healthy hair growth.