How to Safely Pop a Pimple at Home

Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds to remove dirt and bacteria that could cause infection
Use a gentle cleanser to wash the area around the pimple. This will help remove any dirt, oil or makeup that could clog pores and lead to further breakouts.
Use a clean washcloth soaked in warm water to apply a warm compress to the pimple for about 10 minutes. This will help soften the skin and make the pimple easier to pop.
Wrap your fingers in a clean tissue and gently press around the pimple to remove the pus.
Don't squeeze too hard, as this can damage the surrounding skin.
Don't touch the pimple
Avoid touching or picking at the pimple after you've popped it.
Apply a gentle moisturizer to the area to help soothe the skin and promote healing